1U Clock Divider
With this clock divider for Eurorack modular synthesizers, you can give your productions the necessary portion of polyrhythms to really bring your tracks to..
…life. Used as a sub-oscillator, you can give your VCO a lot of punch in the low end, and the odd dividers can also be used to create subharmonic minor chords like in the trautonium.
This is a compact clock divider for installation in 1U rows of Eurorack-compatible modular synthesizer systems. The clock signal fed in is made available at seven outputs with different divider ratios. The outputs are configured as pulse outputs and provide a pulse in the length of a positive clock tick. Seven LEDs indicate the states of the outputs. A reset input allows the clock divider to be reset before a complete counting process.
In addition, a logical AND module with two inputs is integrated.
With the even and odd divider ratios from Clock/2 to Clock/8, polyrhythms or unusual sequences can be created.
If the output of a VCO is plugged into the clock input, the module can be used as a sub-oscillator or sub-harmonic generator. The divider outputs can then be mixed together via a mixer or filter to create subharmonic minor chords like in the Trautonium or sub-basses.
- Clock input (clock symbol)
- Reset input (reset symbol) The reset input of the clock divider is normalised to the AND output.
- Divider outputs (/2 to /8)
- AND-gate (two inputs, one output)
- Eight LEDs indicate the status of the outputs
- based on CGS36 by Ken Stone
- 1U Tile (Intellijel format)
- Reversible FR4 panel, printed on both sides

Patch Examples
- Inputs: Clock and Gate
- Output: gated Clock, could be patched to Clock input
While Gate is high, the clock divider is running at clock speed. Or at audio frequency, the sound can be heard (simple VCA/Gate). Since the Reset input is normalised to the AND output, this must be reconnected to an even divisor (e.g. /8).

- Inputs: two different dividers
- Output: new divider with divison Clock/n [n = AND input 1 * AND input 2]
Since the Reset input is normalised to the AND output, this must be reconnected to an even divisor (e.g. /8). However, other divisor ratios or LFO can be connected to the Reset for more chaos.