Projects from various fields are presented here, with a focus on devices for electronic sound generation and processing.OpenScope MZ Adapter
This adapter for the Digilent OpenScope MZ allows testing of Eurorack modules and the use of probes and test leads with BNC connectors.
The measurement adapter for the Digilent OpenScope MZ can be used to perform measurements on Eurorack modules. In conjunction with LabVIEW, automated tests can also be created. The board contains matching circuits to adapt the inputs and outputs of the OpenScope to the higher voltage level of the modular system.
The board is attached to the OpenScope instead of the MTE cable. The connections are doubled on a double row pin header. The MTE cable can be connected ... read more
OpenScope MZ Adapter
The board is attached to the OpenScope instead of the MTE cable. The connections are doubled on a double row pin header. The MTE cable can be connected ... read more
TRS and insert cards for MPB-32 Patchbay
With the help of these upgrade boards, the "MONARCH Patch Box MPB-32" 32-point TS patchbay can also be used for balanced signals and inserts.
The widely used MONARCH MPB-32 patchbay supports unbalanced signals only. All jack sockets are designed as two-pole TS sockets. If individual (or all) slots are replaced by the upgrade cards, balanced signals can also be patched or insert cables can be split. With the insert card, an unbalanced TRS insert point (e.g. from the mixing console channel) is split to two TS sockets, so that the SEND and RETURN signals are then available on two separate sockets ...
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TRS and insert cards for MPB-32 Patchbay